Little Red Riding-Hood

I read "Little Red Riding-Hood" written by Flora Annie Steel.
Once upon a time, there was a little girl who was called little Red Riding-Hood, because she was small and she always wore a red cloak with a big red hood to it.
One day, her mother asked her to visit her sick grandmother's house in order to give her the cake and the pot of butter and ask how she is. Little Red Riding-Hood left for her grandmother's house. On the way, she encountered a wolf. He heard about her situation, and he made an attempt to eat up her and her grandmother. He arrived at her grandmother's home before litte Red Riding-Hood arrive. This is because she was gathering nuts, running after butterflies, and picking flowers. Then he ate up her grandmother. After that, he pretended to be her grandmother and waited little Red Riding-Hood's visiting. Finally, she came. She thought something is wrong about her grandmother. But she could not realize that a wolf disguised himself as her grandmother. Immediately, she was eaten up by him.
